02 6332 1197
140A William St Bathurst


Pastoral support, Connection & Welfare Resources

Pastoral care

Coronavirus Response TeamBUCconnect@gmail.com
Email us with any questions, offers of help, requests for help or support etc.

Rev. Claire Wrightrev.claire.wright@gmail.com or 0490 678 593

Rev. Claire will be able to refer you to our Pastoral Response Group.

Keeping in contact

Please remember that we ALL have a part to play in ensuring that no-one is left isolated or left behind – and that we keep each other connected, in good spirits and even (perhaps) entertained in this time of physical distancing.

Let’s commit to calling someone each day, to have virtual ‘tea’ together, have a chat, ask how they’re going, read a book together – or whatever!

If you’d like help setting up FaceTime, Skype, Zoom or other tools to meet ‘visually’ together (e.g., for your book group or study group or neighbourly chat) – let the Coronavirus Response Team know.

Welfare Response Team

If you have ideas of how we can support each other and the community in creative, caring, practical ways (e.g., by delivering worship materials, purchasing and delivering supplies, sending outreach cards, sharing board games or books or videos) – and/or if you are willing to help with such activities – and/or if you NEED help or support in some way, please contact the Welfare Response Team: BUCconnect@gmail.com

“We, though many, are one body in Christ – and each member belongs to one another.’
(Romans 12:5)

Click here for a copy of the Pastoral support, Connection and Welfare Resources sheet