02 6332 1197
140A William St Bathurst


Seniors Festival ‘Songs of Praise’

Thank you to all who attended the Songs of Praise service for Seniors Festival 2018. We raised the roof, with the help of several very talented musicians – and the support of Bathurst Regional Council.

This year, the repertoire of hymns was drawn mainly from the Billy Graham song book, in memory of a man who had a profound impact for the Kingdom of God.

A brief snippet of one of his televised sermons – on the subject of ‘Faith’ – reminded many of us of the passion and clarity with which he communicated the claims of Christ.

It was wonderful to welcome so many members of other Bathurst churches – and the Bathurst community – to this very special event.

Well done, as ever, to Kaye and Maureen (curators and leaders of the service) and to Judy (organist) and all involved.