02 6332 1197
140A William St Bathurst


Worship & Devotional Resources

‘Connecting people to God’ is our core mission – even though we cannot, for the moment, meet together in person. We are committed to helping everyone maintain (and perhaps deepen) their relationship with the God of Comfort and Hope at this time.

Weekly worship resources

  • We will be publishing and sending out weekly worship resources (linked to the Revised Common Lectionary and season) so that those who wish can all ‘share’ in devotions ‘together’ each week.
    (It might be fun to call someone and chat about the week’s worship; read together; pray together…)
  • Resources will be on the Coronavirus page of our website (www.bathurstunitingchurch.com.au).
    They can also be emailed to you – or delivered on a USB-drive or DVD. Please let us know IF you’d like resources and HOW – by email to BUCconnect@gmail.com (or phone us, if you don’t use a computer!)

Some other resources for ‘at home’ worship and devotions (to be going on with)

  • Songs of Praise – 11.30 am Sundays on ABC TV (or on-demand)
  • rootsontheweb.com – Click on ‘Worship at Home’ for free devotions, family activities etc.
  • Hope Uniting Church – Podcasts available (usually from Monday) at hopeuniting.org.au
  • Terrigal Uniting Church – Services uploaded – www.facebook.com/terrigalunitingchurch
  • www.sacredise.com – Click on ‘Lectionary’, then ‘Year A’, then pick the week (22 March is Lent 4A): access to the Lectionary readings, prayers, hymns and message
  • pray-as-you-go.org – Beautiful daily devotionals with music and prayer
  • Saltbush On-line – On-line services at 9.00am on Sundays for those who have access to Zoom on computer, iPad or Phone: ask us how, if you’re interested.

And if you don’t use a computer, don’t forget your own library: Bible; With Love to the World (daily reflections: let us know if you’d like a copy); Christian books; Bible study booklets; worship CDs. We’re happy to help arrange a share/swap!

Pastoral messages from the leaders of the Uniting Church

We’ll post the text (and links) on the Website.

‘Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for the One who promised is faithful.’
(Hebrews 10:23)

Click here for a copy of the Worship and Devotional Resources sheet