Click here to download our 2024 Avent and Christmas services poster.
Reflection – February 2024
Tended by angels rather than consumed by wild beasts!
There is a lot on. We are in that start-up phase or rapid escalation of events and activities for the year. This year compressed by the early Easter which therefore means Lent starts early. That means the Lenten Bible study preparation – this year “in-house” by many in our church, is in full swing. Further, there is a Church retreat day on 24 February, the election of Church Council Leaders, commissioning of new leaders and covenant Service on 3 March, an organ 150th celebration on 10 and 13 March, all before Easter. We also take into consideration the recommencement of other church activities. Then there are all the community activities. Work . . . School is back and even for households with no children, there is the back to school or commencement of pre-school, school, high school, university, or work for grandchildren, maybe great-grandchildren, and nieces and nephews. Some families seem to have a sequence of significant family birthdays – one each weekend of January and February this year. A lot is happening. It would be a shame to get to Easter exhausted.
Reflection – November 2023
We are in the last month of the church year. The last month is bookended with All Saints Day on 1 November, and Christ the King on 26 November. Following the lectionary cycle, this is our last month with the gospel of Matthew, for three years. From Advent, which this year is 3 December, the lectionary (fully called the Revised Common Lectionary) will follow Mark through to the end of the church year in November 2024.
Reflection – October 2023
“I’ll be watching you”
The following statement is often attributed to St Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.” It is doubtful if St Francis of Assisi ever said that epithet, but it has a use. Sometimes it is used as an excuse not to speak about faith in Jesus Christ. “I am not very good with words,” someone will say. Except when it comes to talking about their recent holiday, or latest grandchild, niece, nephew, favourite hobby. Then they can speak. At length. With great enthusiasm. It is important that we can speak. In 1 Peter 3:13, the writer encourages the reader to “Always be ready to give an account of the hope that is with in you.” Good words. The statement also speaks to the need for actions. James (2:14-26) said, “Faith without works is dead.” James continues and implies that one cannot have faith without works, it is not an either or situation in which one person has faith and another has works but rather faith informs works. And works are to be consistent with faith.
Reflection – September 2023
‘In the one body there are many members, many gifts, but the same Spirit.’
Reflection – August 2023
The world does not need to be flat
Most of us know that the world is not flat. Yet we often live as if the world is flat. We can live as if there is nothing beyond the immediate and beyond the imminent. It plays out in our busyness, with no time to wait, no time to sit and relax, no time to admire the beauty of the world around us, even on a cold and wet day. No time to enjoy the company of others. Such things are deemed a waste of time. Such living in the imminent is as if there is nothing transcendent. But is that living?
Reflection – July 2023
Managerialism, individualism, rationalism and the church of God
St Augustine wrote the book the City of God. In sub-section of the City of God, in what is referred to as Book 14, Augustine makes a contrast between two cities.
He writes of the two cities constructed by two kinds of love. The love of self that leads to a forgetting of God, and a love of God that leads to a forgetting about self.
2023 Easter Services
Bathurst Uniting Church welcomes everyone to join us this Easter at the following Services.
Palm Sunday
2nd April @ 9:30am Service to begin with a gathering on the front lawn and then a walk into the Church with Palm Branches. Contemporary Worship service in the Activities Hall @ 5:00pm
Morning Prayers – Holy Week
Monday 3rd April to Thursday 6th April – Morning Prayers on ZOOM @ 7:00am – 7:15am. Click here to join.
Maundy Thursday
6th April @ 6:00pm, Soup Meal and Service in the Activities Hall
Good Friday Service
7th April @ 9:30am in the Church, followed by coffee and hot cross buns.
Holy Saturday
8th April – Working Bee @ 9:30am inside the Church with Morning tea to follow at 10:30am
Easter Day Services
Sunday 9th April @ 9:30am in the Church and 5:00pm in the Activities Hall.
2023 Lenten studies
The Faith and Worship Team of Bathurst Uniting Church encourages everyone to prepare for Easter through the Lenten Bible Study groups.
Lent has traditionally been a time when people prepared for Easter. Today, as In the early church people prepare for Baptism, and confirmation held on Easter Day. The faithful also prepare to celebrate again the Great Three Days of Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Day.