02 6332 1197
140A William St Bathurst


Helping the homeless is a true act of faith

WHAT a fantastic gesture from the Bathurst Uniting Church to support the homeless in our city.

From June 14, the church will have the capacity to house five men a night in a vacant room at the back of the William Street site.

The men will have access to sleeping mats, bedding and basic meal facilities, as well as a toilet, during the winter months.

More importantly, they will be safe and warm as the worst of Bathurst’s winter starts to bite.

The project is an example of faith in practice, an example of all that can be good about the church.

The initiative is also supported by an expert advisory group, with representatives from the church, Anglicare, St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, Bathurst Catholic Diocese, HopeCare, The Bridge Community and Wellways Australia.

This newspaper has said before that the measure of a society is the way it treats its most vulnerable and the Bathurst Uniting Church has set a shining example for us all.

It would shock most residents to think that our prosperous community could be home to people forced to sleep rough, but that is the sad reality.

As they huddle under bridges or in doorways, these people are not only at the mercy of the elements but also any passing thug that cannot keep quietly to themselves.

By throwing open the church doors the parishioners at the Bathurst Uniting Church are also throwing open their hearts, offering support and hope to people at their greatest time of need.

And all it took was some clear thinking and the will to make it happen.

“We have some areas that weren’t being used for anything else that can be used for this project, so that is the main advantage,” co-ordinator Julie Greig said.

“It’s an issue of social justice. Buildings are empty while people are sleeping out on the streets.

“We’re called on as a church to look after the weak and vulnerable who don’t have a voice normally, so that is where we are coming from.”

Sounds simple, but then came the hard work of making it happen.

The initiative will begin on a trial basis but we can only hope it is a success and becomes a permanent fixture.

As a society, we must do more to tackle homelessness. Bathurst is fortunate that the Uniting Church is leading the way.

From the Western Advocate editorial page here.

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‘Be-Friending Month’ @ Bathurst Uniting

We talk a lot about community and family and relationships here at Bathurst Uniting, and it is important to our identity and mission as a church that everyone is welcomed and feels that they belong. But not everyone finds it easy to connect socially. And sometimes it’s surprising how little we really know our ’neighbours’ – even within the church – especially since we’ve been blessed to add a number of new people to our fellowship in the last year – not least, our brothers and sisters from Perthville. How do we enfold people in Christian community – at, but also beyond, our Sunday morning gatherings?

I’d like to challenge us to make this month ‘Be-friending Month’. The challenge is, sometime during June, to invite to coffee/tea, or lunch, or dinner – or otherwise to ‘get together with’ – one or two people you don’t know well, or don’t usually socialise with, from church. Perhaps someone who is new, or on the margins a bit… Share a hobby, or a group, or a meal, or a film… Perhaps you’ll encourage someone and help them feel that they belong. Perhaps you’ll make a new friend or two. And if you’re really up for a challenge, try adding to the mix a person or two from outside the church. But please start somewhere, this month. ‘By this shall all people know that you are my disciples,’ said Jesus, ‘by your love for one another.’

Rev. Claire

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Seniors Festival ‘Songs of Praise’

Thank you to all who attended the Songs of Praise service for Seniors Festival 2018. We raised the roof, with the help of several very talented musicians – and the support of Bathurst Regional Council.

This year, the repertoire of hymns was drawn mainly from the Billy Graham song book, in memory of a man who had a profound impact for the Kingdom of God.

A brief snippet of one of his televised sermons – on the subject of ‘Faith’ – reminded many of us of the passion and clarity with which he communicated the claims of Christ.

It was wonderful to welcome so many members of other Bathurst churches – and the Bathurst community – to this very special event.

Well done, as ever, to Kaye and Maureen (curators and leaders of the service) and to Judy (organist) and all involved.

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Easter 2018 @ Bathurst UCA

You are warmly invited to remember, reflect and rejoice with us this Easter season.

We believe that the life and death and life of Jesus Christ are the climax of the greatest story ever told – and that the events we call ‘Easter’ mark a radical turning point in the history of the world:

a victory of healing over brokenness, Life over death, and Love over all, which continues to ripple down the ages. We think that’s a hope worth celebrating – and sharing.

So please, join us if you can.

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Our own ’singing vicar’, together with colleague Rev. Radhika Sukumar – White of West Epping Uniting Church, will be performing a presentation entitled ‘Passion’ @ Bathurst Uniting Church on the Monday evening of Holy Week (March 26th) @ 7:30pm.

This is a programme of the most beautiful sacred (mainly classical) music, readings and visual art, designed to help us reflect deeply on the story of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday (Karl Jenkins’ ‘Benedictus’), through the Last Supper and Garden of Gethsemane (‘I only want to say’ from Jesus Christ Superstar) to the Cross (Handel’s ‘Messiah’, Bach’s ‘Matthew Passion’, Pergolesi’s ‘Stabat Mater’, John Rutter’s ‘Requiem’). You are warmly invited to come and join us as we immerse ourselves in the beauty, grief and hope of the Easter story, and seek to engage more deeply with an Easter spirituality.

Tickets are just $20 (with funds going to the missional projects of Bathurst Uniting Church in the community).

All welcome.

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And a good time was had by all…

The Victorians (that is, the era – not the state) had a reputation for being a bit strait-laced. A bit like the Church.

But like any culture – including that of the Church! – they were great at food, music, fellowship and celebration. And architecture.
In the beautiful 1837 Hall of our Church, on Saturday 3rd March, we enjoyed what could only be described as a ‘slap-up’ High Tea (and it was high: tier upon tier of scones and cakes and fancies and finger sandwiches).

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Lent – Journeying towards Easter

Bathurst Uniting Church will be holding a number of activities during this season of Lent leading up to Easter.

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Target Christmas Appeal

Each Year Target and Uniting Care partner together to help raise money and gifts during the Christmas period for disadvantaged people across Australia. They have collected over 2.1million gifts in the last 25 years, and have raised in excess of $2 million dollars in the last 2 years alone.

For those who headed into a Target store over the Christmas period, you would have noticed a Christmas tree near to the front of the store with gifts under the tree and gift cards attached to the tree. The main aim is to make Christmas more special for the thousands of Australians, who for various reasons are unable to celebrate Christmas.

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The season of Epiphany

Ordinary objects can be transformed and transfigured by light. I pondered this, with a smile, when I caught sight of this bright flash of colour, touching some of the things at the bottom of our stairway.

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Blue Christmas service

In December, as one of our services in the run-up to Christmas at Bathurst Uniting, we held a Blue Christmas service. A service for people doing it tough at a time of year which is otherwise so relentlessly jolly. For people grieving the loss of a loved one; facing an empty chair at the Christmas table; stressed or distressed by having to put on a ‘happy face’ for the holidays – and frankly, just not up to singing ‘Joy to the World!’ one more time… At our Blue Christmas service, we prayed together, and sat together, and wept together. We acknowledged that the story of the birth of Christ has its dark places, as well as its light ones: places of fear and loss, disruption and danger. We acknowledged that at the heart of the Christmas story is not an escape from this world, in all its pain and struggle, its questions and cries – but God coming into it. Not a promise that all will be well, but that God will be with us in the midst.

‘They will call him Emmanuel – which means, ‘God with us.’…

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